THOT TOPIC: Boxxy Ruined A Whole Generation Of E-Girls - PODAWFUL PODCAST EO37
Boxxy was the reluctant face of the first e-girl. The unfortunate prototype to something she could have never predicted, and never realized the horrors upon the world she would release. Every generation another one of these things gets released, each worse, and somehow older than the last. Shoe0nHead purposefully tried to make people think she was Boxxy, with an anti-SJW twist. Melonie Mac has taken the ball and gone hard core grifter with it. In reality, it can all be traced back to one location, and moment in time. 2003 Hot Topic, when they were selling Invader Zim merch. Goomers, allow me to introduce you to the form of your destructor: THE THOT TOPIC. PLUS: Dark Future Tech: Secret Chinese Grindr, the insane world of GAY Film Theory, and Kino Casino covers Podawful.
PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
KiwiFarms did a deep dive onShoe aka June. B4 getting with Skeptic, she must have been too busy ripping her hair out to have any interest in sex. Trichotillomania is a bummer, but the wigs fix that.The sub/dom thing seems like a form of self-punishment like pulling out the hair.But they weren’t that bad of a YouTube team, except she maybe just went along with whatever HE WAS DOING.
Armoured Skeptic and Shoe Deleted videos is a pretty good playlist. I like the “Illuminati Exposed” one. Their discussion on 50 Shades of Gray is a more FAIR representation of their attitudes on sub/dom, and is better than the one with the wacky Jewish lesbian! So, have you come out to your PARENTS as a doggy fetishizer??? That was probably the worst example video and the only one you watched on here (because that’s what you do).
Did you know Melonie Mac is guest host on The Quartering daily's twice a week? She doesn’t add a lot to it- kind of like Jeremy’s goth/ ghost cheerleader. She has a Bible reading channel too- the good part is, she doesn’t add any interpretation, opinions, or humor- she just straight reads it off the page. People confront her about the tattoos all the time. Her attitude on them is- a person’s appearance doesn’t always define them. How many times have you been called John Lennon? Ozzy Osborne? It’s your CROSS TO BEAR (haha). A channel by the name of KungFu Hotdog called her “fake Christian” this week- so I thought it an interesting coincidence she’s on Pod Awful too!
The Earth's Boxxy's
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