Comedy Shaman has been Hoodoo'd. I've been Youtube'd. Susan Wojcicki, the former CEO of Youtube and the current CEO of her own grave, is dead at 56 from a long battle with internet cancer. She leaves behind a long and storied career, a digital legacy felt the world over, and four out of five of her own kids. Oh well! Last episode I once again got JEETED by Youtube, and had my video about Comedy Shaman's love life removed. So this episode, we celebrate the no-longer-life of the woman who outsourced the Terms Of Service to third-worlders, and explore the UNSPOOLING of Comedy Shaman now that he has entered full blown SHAMANIA. Shaman learns the hard way not to declare war on PODAWFUL. PLUS: Ruphio Pheonix has a new hairdon't, a ReviewTechUSA documentary snubs Podawful, and a prank call to Redbar (and Howard Stern's) favorite sushi restaurant.
This episode was so great it should’ve been the $20 level
Honestly, true!
This entire time I’d been kinda meh on the sh’man stuff, then in the crying game I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but he gave me ruphio vibes. What a glorious finale it all culminated into.
live feed cut when shaman took his shirt off and started talkin about the Z men. I thought Susan’s 23&me sister got a job at Vimeo.
Thanks for the quick upload. Great show
It was my fault it cut as I rewinded to the start whilst u was still live
Susan does have another sister...
7 hours is nearly an entire shift of a very entertaining stream, any chance of an mp3 even though it's not explicitly listed as episode 12 of this season?
Ok please edit out the "failed beats to lose viewers to" at 2:16:00 I thought my browser had auto-played complete shit and I came here to close the tab.
02:20:25 ok now we're talking.
i had to sit through it, now you do
yeah this is an official episode, the mp3 will go up soon
Amazing Episode!
This whole episode was 10/10 excellent. The last ~2h was uhmayzin.
Hahah I knew it was Jesse’s words the whole time
Can we talk about how Nobu’s wait-song repeats the line “I think I poo’d myself today” over and over again?
For a song about crappin yourself it was kinda catchy.
Podawful's making you
World comedy has been solved. H2BH
we loved it!!