Ruphio Pheonix is now making custom content for PODAWFUL... but does he know it? Apparently Jesse is the Joker to Ruphio's Batman. Speaking of Joker... the Santa Cruz Joker gets henchman'd on live stream and reveals a secret about himself. We get an update on Harlan's legally retarded status, and...
Tag: Ruphio Pheonix
MERSH WEEK BEGINS. Mersh's big trip to Vegas was another big bust. And I'm not talking about his tatas. In the run-up to his Las Vegas vacation, the Henchmen raided his VR Chat again, Mersh talked about Nick Rekieta's new gay tattoo, and PODAWFUL gets an endorsement on Nightwave. We aren't just p...
HAPPY AWFULWEEN! JC(P-)S Criminal Psychology Presents: The dramatic conclusion to the #FindingLilah Saga. The disappearance of Lilah Gold became a cold case in the winter of 2021. She was on her way to meet her online boyfriend, Ruphio Pheonix, for the first time when she was never heard from aga...
- Tags:
- Awfulween
- Ruphio Pheonix
A Spooky lead-in to AWFULWEEN. THE COUCH QUEEN Mersh has been spotted, buffalo hump and all, out in the wild. Ruphio Pheonix is BACK on Youtube after a long hiatus, and he's made some new CRYPTID friends. Let me introduce you to COUCH CREATURES. Vile beings who move from sofa to sofa, infesting y...
Comedy Shaman has been Hoodoo'd. I've been Youtube'd. Susan Wojcicki, the former CEO of Youtube and the current CEO of her own grave, is dead at 56 from a long battle with internet cancer. She leaves behind a long and storied career, a digital legacy felt the world over, and four out of five of h...
Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisonin...
Sven Stoffels is a talented animator, comic book artist, and streamer. I don't know him from any other thing. He is also my best friend. Sven will be drawing famous black figures from history in honor of Black History Month including Ethan Ralph, Mike David from Redbar, Tom Gulley, and Ruphio Phe...
New! Director's commentary track for The Red Rooms Director's CutThe track has been added to the original post, check it out below: TO PLAY: Play the MP3 along with the video. First play the MP3. Lower the volume on the video and hit play on the video after the c...
- Tags:
- Ruphio Pheonix
- Awfulween
The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person...
Ruphio and the simps enjoy a little karaoke and some games to relax after Stella got sex trafficked to the Red Rooms. Uncut footage.
- Tags:
- Awfulween
- Ruphio Pheonix
UNCENSORED! UNCUT! UNEMPLOYED!(Director's Commentary: Play the MP3 along with the video. First play the MP3. Lower the volume on the video and hit play on the video after the countdown in the MP3. Make sure you are synched up!)HAPPY AWFULWEEN! The girlfriend body count continues in this action, h...
HAPPY AWFULWEEN! The girlfriend body count continues in this action, horror, thriller. After Ruphio Pheonix was last catfished by an OnlyFans girl, the vengeful gamer incel turns his blue glasses on a new Final Girl-- AVA. Ava is a girl with a MYSTERIOUS past in one of the internet's most notorio...
- Tags:
- Awfulween
- Ruphio Pheonix
AWFULWEEN OCTOBER 29th - HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th This was too stupid to keep in the upcoming episode, but too funny not to share. RIP to that dead guy Norm, didn't know he was sick.
- Tags:
- Ruphio Pheonix
- Awfulween
Since the beginning of time. Since the first gamer. There have always been incels. Ruphio Pheonix, the King of Gamers, has been plagued by a series of catfish girlfriends. Many times it has seemed like the Pod Awful Cult itself was behind them, but when Ruphio showed up with a brand new girlfrien...
- Tags:
- Ruphio Pheonix
- Primo
FRIDAY NIGHT SHOW RETURNS/ TECH PROBLEMS INFINITELY/ Mersh new car show dream/ Mersh's radio needs a mechanic/ Ruphio breaks banking using gaming/ Charles Howell notices a pattern/ Jesse warns against the perils of cult dating/ Chewie is dating Caroline/ Zephod made Angie have a big baby freakout...
Stella gets a little too freaky deeky with Ruphio while Fallen Reaper licks his sexually assaulted wounds. Also it turns out, weed is good for kids.
Hey Squirt Crew! The debate has raged on since "Baby Yoda" was introduced to us in The Mandalorian. Star Wars fans everywhere have theorized where Grogu came from. Well, now that Season 3 has wrapped up, we think we know the answer! We are joined by the boys from iVicious Entertainment, RUPHIO PH...
A Pod Awful Christmas Miracle! The old Miser Mersh gets his heart warmed and his wallet emptied when the Pod Awful Cult pulls a Yuletide prank, and signs him up to send hundreds of registered offenders and caged ladies Christmas cards! Meanwhile, crotchety Ruphio Phenoix is visited by three Ghost...
- Tags:
- Mersh
- Ruphio Pheonix
- Mini Manson